‘Fan mat band karo’ pleaseeeee....
I remember to say this in chorus with almost tears in our eyes, when my uncle used to switch off fan early in the morning to wake us up.
Most of my summer vacations were spent at my uncle’s home. He had a habit of waking up everyone early in morning.
His style was:
1st attempt: ‘Get up guys’…No response-No Movement
2nd attempt: Same
3rd attempt: Switches off the fan (Success rate 100%)
We used to hate it.
But now when I look back & reflet, I see an amazing life lesson in that.
I think many times we have casual attitude for heath, professional, relations, so on & so forth. Life warns us in many ways but we take It lightly. Because, we love that comfort zone/mental sleep.
Upon seeing no response to those warnings, life then ‘switches off’ something very crucial. It can be stopping sources of income or stopping physical comfort by means of diseases or mental trauma or messing things up socially or professionally. The sole purpose is to wake us up from the slumber.
Comfort zone is the most dangerous place to live in….
I have so many ‘switch off’ experiences in life. One such ‘switch off’ experience happened when I was giving my 1st job interview. The panel made fun of me & my ‘so called’ skills. That experience was like a wake up call for me to reflect & work upon the real skills required to flourish in corporate world.
I’m sure each of one us had such experiences in our lives. May be at this very moment, some of you might be experiencing it. Believe me, if anything bad is happening in your life, it is just a wake-up call.
It’s just your life is playing the role of that a ‘mama’/mother/dad/uncle/rector, who is waking you up from the sleep. Listen to it, understand the message and respond positively.
Next time, don’t say ‘Fan mat band karo……………??
Could you share any of your life’s ‘switch off’ experience & how did you handle it?
Photo Source: Google